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Author: admin

Omeka Training

Deliverable: In a blog post on your portfolio, reflect on the experience of learning how to use Omeka. How would you feel about helping someone else learn how to use Omeka? What did you find most interesting? What did you find most frustrating? What questions do you still have, and what parts of the tool do you want to explore more deeply?

After this I feel a little more confident in helping someone with Omeka, but overall I need more practice. Either way if someone does come in asking questions and I don’t know the answer too, I’ll move them on with another Vivero Fellow who does, or I will go back to the Vivero site and try to figure it out from there.

Learning how to use Omeka was really straightforward when given the directions use on what to do. I think for me, I was only having issues when it came to having to install the new features, and with some parts it was taking me to read a whole new site of directions.

I think the part that I found frustrating/confused was where I had to create a simple page (asking me to installed it) so I did but it guided me to a hand out about simple pages read through the instructions. Later it guided me through another set of instruction taking me to do something else in the end I just had to go back to my page and check the left hand side on “Simple pages”. I think it’s a matter of getting used to and being familiar with it.

My question is are we allowed to use the same title for things or is preferred to use a new title for everything. Because going through the Exhibits, Simple Pages, it was asking to create a new title and for me I was running out of things on what to call it. So I was wondering if that was allowed or not? I want to explore more deeply is the site customization part because when creating a cite especially with the project the Project Lead is looking into having a certain look, so I want to make that possible for them.

Excel Training

Explore the AutoSum functions with other data fields. How do these calculations impact or inform your understanding of the data? What questions do you have about the data or calculations?

I have no questions, I was having trouble figuring out how to get the sum because I was clicking on the column and then hitting the SUM button, but I figured out that it’s better if you click the SUM button before clicking all the number you want to calculate.

What types of visualizations were you able to generate in Excel using PivotChart? How could those visualizations shape or impact your understanding of the data? Did you generate any visualizations that were confusing or misleading? Alternatively, did you generate any visualizations that were unexpected or illuminating?

I was able to create a bar chart with two specific variables from the data. I was also able to customize my bar char with the colors I wanted and what style of bar graph I wanted. For example if I wanted 2D, 3D, black and neon, one with lines that filled in my bar graph etc. I surprisingly shocked at the amount of options they had to customize the design of the box chart as well as how easy it was to create one. Overall I really like how they had the feature of the different shades you can add to you chart in order to make it more stand out. Other than that I learned a lot and I’m excited to put this new skill into use.

The Before vs. After


As you can see with the images above we have a difference on the before making any changes to the chart into personalizing it to my liking. Overall you can see the colors are changed, the width of the bar, the transparency, as well as I added shading to the bars in order to give it a more subtle 3D effect without it being too overwhelming. One last thing I also added was the square of the chart I curved the edges with a blue boarder. Happy with how it turned out.


What is your reaction to the idea that this job involves learning how to do your job, on the fly?

My initial reaction was “WOW” and “OMG I need to learn quick and be up to date with every little thing I learned how to do” in other words my brain has to ready-to-go. As well as majority will be self taught but it’s also good practice for the future because there would be people guiding me and giving me the resources needed in order to be able to my job properly, but no one will be giving me a lesson step by step on teaching me every little thing. that’s my job which I’m really excited to do so and I think it’s interesting seeing how it’s process and we will be growing with this experience.

First Blog Post!

First Blog Post!

Excited to start of my journey as a Vivero Fellow.

  1. Some things I’m excited about building out my website and domain is learning all the tips and trick, as well as making it fun and personalize it.
  2. Some questions I still have about WordPress, since I’m still figuring it out I was wondering if I can use any images on google to upload on my website or is there another mechanics I have to use in order to not get copy righted.
  3. My experience could help my peers with simple things for example how to create a new blog post, I can also ask questions that they might have, that way we can all learn.

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